We have implemented a number of precautionary measures to ensure that we can protect our employees’ health and help reduce the spread of the virus in society, and, at the same time, continue to operate.
Iver’s priorities
Iver’s top priorities are to protect our employees’ health and to ensure that we can continue to operate and deliver our functions and services.
Crisis Management Group
In February, we activated a special Crisis Management Group that is working to ensure that we do the right things when it comes to reducing the spread of the virus amongst our employees and society at large, and the consequences arising from its spread. The Group has overall responsibility for monitoring developments in society and is responsible for all of the precautionary measures and initiatives we can take and implement in order to ensure ongoing provision of our customer services. The Crisis Management Group includes representatives from every region/country in which we operate, and responsibility for the implementation of decisions taken by the Crisis Management Group lies with the management of each region.
Continuity plans and customer services
Iver’s continuity and accessibility planning is designed to reduce the risks we take in our operating activities, partly by ensuring a proactive approach to risk management and damage prevention measures, and partly through effective crisis management that limits any harm that does occur. All of Iver’s regions and operating centres have tailormade continuity plans that have been drawn up to handle stresses such as those that the spread of COVID-19 amongst Iver’s employees may entail. Customer-specific services are handled within the framework of the respective continuity plans in order to guarantee the availability of the services in question. We are continuously updating our risk analyses and ensuring that our manpower plans for the operation of data centres, service desk functions, platforms, and service provisions are updated daily.
New guidelines for our employees
The consequences of the pandemic and the virus’ spread throughout society have affected the way we conduct our operations. Many of Iver’s employees are now working from home and we have introduced completely new guidelines on travel and meetings, both within Iver, and with customers and other stakeholders.
We’re happy to meet with our customers – online
We are, of course, keen to meet with our customers as much as possible, but we’ll do it online.
Updated information
Iver will keep its customers and other stakeholders informed on a rolling basis of any effect that the spread of COVID-19 may have on Iver’s service provision. Our dialogues with customers will be conducted in a variety of ways, with the priority placed on a personal dialogue between the customer and the customer’s primary contact person at Iver.
Contact Iver
In challenging times such as these, we must all work together and take the measures needed to limit the spread of the virus, and thereby minimise the effects on our employees and society as a whole. We understand that people may be concerned about how any widespread contagion may affect Iver’s service provision for you, the customer, and you are, as always, very welcome to contact us about this, or if you have any other questions.